This is not a recipe.

It's a secret weapon.

It’s the thing you can make with confidence, anytime you want, knowing that it will always turn out.


It is never having to frantically scroll the interweb abyss for something special enough for a bake sale or party, praying to the baking gods that whatever you find won’t be a flop and simultaneously trying to block the memory of the failed Jelly Salad Of 2017 incident.

And it is never having to subject yourself to the pain of dipping into your Pinterest Folder-of-Broken-Dreams for that one recipe you pinned three years ago during a Netflix binge that ForSureWillKnockEveryone’sSocksOff ExceptWhereTheHeckDoIGetMarzipan AndInWhatCity BecauseIt’sCurrently2:00a.m.Here

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