I'll Bet You Can't cup

The Universe Is Listening

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Call me woo-woo, but I happen to believe that the Universe plays a big part in my life. There always seems to be little ‘happenings’ that give me proof that I’m on the right path, walking in my truth, living out my authentic self. Case in point – this glass.

I LOVE these vintage cups. Pretty much all vintage cups, really, but especially this kind. They’re so fun!!! Big, heavy, with thick glass that has bubbled texture. It feels special, no matter what’s in it.

Every time I’m at a thrift store or garage sale, I’m always on the lookout for stuff like this. And coincidently, they usually find me. I feel like it’s a delightful combination of manifesting, being self-aware of what I love, and the Universe giving me a little high-five; as if to say “Girl, I got you!”

This most recent find today was at a Senior’s Complex; I had just dropped my kidlet off for a lovely day with the Grandparents and as I was leaving I drove by a pile of boxes with one of the sweetest words written on the side – FREE 🤣 Yep, I’m a sucker for ‘free’ lol.

As I carefully rifled through the dear elderly gal’s offerings, I came across this fun cup.

“Thank you, Universe!” I legit said (albeit quietly) out loud. I mean, it always feels nice to be acknowledged, and I think the Universe is no exception. (Again, maybe a bit woo-woo 😋)



Row of Vintage Cups

Here he is, now at home, with some of his new friends 😁


I needed to see his little message today, too.

“I’ll Bet You Can’t”

That can pertain to a lot of things.

Back in my drinking days, I might have imagined it full of booze, and being like ‘Pshh, as if I can’t’ and showing that drink who was boss. But nowadays, as I am older and wiser and don’t drink that, I perceive it differently.

It’s more encouraging, in a good way.

It’s as if it’s a reminder to live my life, my way.

A reminder that while the world may seem to be corralling everyone to blend in and do what they ‘should’ and not think for themselves, it’s good to be the opposite. Not in a boorish loud jerk way, but a kinder more loving way.

Honouring the feeling inside that I need to express my creativity, that it’s okay to make things a little more “me”, tweaking my home decor and clothing and accessories so that they really reflect what I love and my personality. Not being afraid to be a bit different. Accepting others for who they are and what they like. It’s comforting. I know I’m on the right path. 

That’s a lot to gather, from one little cup at a free yard sale 🤣

I hope that your life shows you glimpses of your truth, that you’re living it authentic to you. That you can find joy in the little things.

And some free stuff. Free stuff is fun 👊🤩😋

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